By Elpidio Dorotheo
- Published: January, 2008
- Format: Perfect Bound Softcover (B/W)
- ISBN: 9781412092487
Good health and a productive life are the most precious gifts that a person can ever expect to be blessed with by a loving Creator. Since the creation of man, there have been countless times when we could have chosen to live in good health and survive the onslaughts of time without much of the wear and tear that comes with aging. But many times we take a careless detour that often proves detrimental to our lives.
Make no mistake this is not an ordinary "learn and live well book." Each page depicts the author's meticulous attention to all ages by offering concrete advice and practical steps on how to start and maintain health and fitness through progressive exercise, proper supplementation and the adoption of an open positive outlook. This will afford one to look at life with adequate courage and determination to live well. These are the bare mechanics of survival in human existence.
So pervasive these days are the fear of growing old, catching an incurable disease or losing one's health through careless living. The thought of being helplessly overwhelmed by such situations can be intimidating but reading this book will be a tremendous resource for everyone who desires to survive and excel.
The beauty of this book is that it appeals to every age and promises to help those who would help themselves without any personal reservations in order to achieve positive power in their lives.
The chapters that deal with the ABC's of Health and Fitness serve the needs of everyone Through the Ages. Included also are the Nuts and Bolts of Exercise which are necessary to attain the level of fitness fitted to one's age. Additional steps of lighter exercise or Aerobics round up the Sections to Fitness and Healthful Living.
About the author:
Born in the Philippines, Elpidio S. Dorotheo is a man driven by an unselfish mission. He envisions the earth populated by healthy and fit people, of all ages, leading productive lives free from the stresses and bombardment of micro and macro chaotic waves that warp lives and the best of intentions. However, resigned to reality and its shortcomings, he remains determined to effect an improvement somehow in the lives of others.
In his youth, he had the blessings and support of a doting father who believed unconditionally in the positive benefits of physical culture. Encouraged, he delved deeply into the nature of bodybuilding and started sweating it out, committedly to build his own personal health and strength.
During World War II, he persevered in his bodybuilding regimen. At 16-years of age, he joined the resistance movement and was assigned to the signal platoon which saw him lugging communication equipment across mountains and forests. It was also this time that he had the good fortune of getting acquainted with the then future "Mr. America," Steve Reeves, who encouraged him to persevere in his weight training, so both of them could one day win the "Mr. America" and "Mr. Philippines" physique titles, respectively. Sure enough, Steve earned his coveted title of "Mr. America" in 1947. Five years later, the author garnered wide media coverage when he won the "Mr. Philippines" title.
During these celebrity stages, he decided to share his physical blessings with everyone who wanted to survive in this world actually adapting health priorities for themselves and encouraging others to join in the physical culture way of life.
Armed with adequate credits of Physical Education in college and a completed Physical Culture Course from England, he opened a health club and offered physical training home services. Among his clients were the children of Philippine President Marcos, a World Bowling Cup champion, senators, bank presidents, company executives, champion basketball and golf teams. To open up the minds of readers to the advantages of living, eating and exercising along healthy lines, he wrote numerous articles and a column on health and fitness.
In the Philippines, he served as one of two Undersecretaries of Youth and Sports, was also a Second Vice-President of the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation (PAAF) as well as President of the Philippine Weightlifting Association and Running Clubs Association of the Philippines (RUNCAP) and a Bureau Member of the International Weightlifting and Physical Culture Federation.
In 1970 in Columbus, Ohio, he was one of seven international judges who voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger, of Austria as "Mr. World." In 1974, he was awarded the International Weightlifting Federation's highest award, the "Gold Medal of Service."
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